If you have a Repair skill of 65, you can straight-up fix ED-E and have it instantly become available as a companion. This is ED-E, but it first must be fixed before it can join you on your journey.

One of the houses in this town is called the Nash residence, and inside, you can find a broken-down robot sprawled out over a counter.

It’s difficult to miss because there’s a massive rollercoaster within the location that can be seen from quite a distance. Perks Given: Enhanced Sensors and Camarader-E.Īfter leaving the starting town of Goodsprings for the first time and making their way south, players will come across the town of Primm.Keep in mind that although it is technically possible to recruit each of these companions as soon as you properly begin the game, some of them are located in areas that should not be visited by under-leveled players. This guide will not only show you where to find each of the eight companions in the game, but it will also help you complete the quests or activities needed to get them to follow you.