This mutation- used against the Krogan due to their volatile nature by other fictional Mass Effect alienraces (the salarians and turians) – can be cured in Mass Effect 3 (as long as you don’t go down the renegade path and sabotage the cure) and if you do so, you’ll hear “A Future for the Krogan”. One of the main narratives surrounding the Krogan is the genophage- a biological weapon that caused sterilisation within their species. We can’t wait to see what the future holds.Ĭelebrate #teN7 and join our friends as they stream Mass Effect all week.The fictional alien race within the Mass Effect universe known as the Krogan get their own musical theme of hope for the future of their species in Mass Effect 3.

Thank you for coming with us to the stars and beyond. Check back at next Tuesday, November 7, to see all the great surprises, offers, and giveaways we have in store as we celebrate #teN7. This N7 day, we’re celebrating how far we’ve all come together, and looking back on a decade of Mass Effect. We’ve watched our community grow, as all of you shared your love of this universe, wore your N7 with pride, and told us stories about your Shepard and Ryder. In that time, we’ve made friends, fallen in love, and traveled to new galaxies. This year marks 10 years since the release of Mass Effect. GAME OVERVIEW STORY TIMELINE CHARACTERS REMASTER COMPARISON PC REQUIREMENTS PERFORMANCE DETAILS CONTROLS ACCESSIBILITY COMMUNITY COSPLAY GUIDES SUBMIT YOUR CREATION FAN ART KIT FAN SUBMISSIONS MEDIA NEWS CUSTOM ART CREATOR GAME OVERVIEW STORY TIMELINE CHARACTERS REMASTER COMPARISON PC REQUIREMENTS PERFORMANCE DETAILS CONTROLS ACCESSIBILITY COMMUNITY COSPLAY GUIDES SUBMIT YOUR CREATION FAN ART KIT FAN SUBMISSIONS MEDIA NEWS CUSTOM ART CREATOR Mass Effect Legendary Edition Mass Effect: AndromedaĪ Decade of Mass Effect 2017 Marks the 10 Year Anniversary of Mass Effect

A Decade of Mass Effect Mass Effect Legendary Edition Mass Effect: Andromeda